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2024. Apr.26 : K2 Project MOU signing ceremony between Taraba State Government, Nigeria and SUNVILA Smart Village Nigeria Ltd.
2024. Jan.18 : JV MOU signing ceremony between T&C Korea Co.,Ltd. / KOREA and Sustainable Solution for Africa / TOGO
2024. Jan.08 ~ Jan.12 : Business trip to Cambodia
2023. Aug.30 ~ Sept.2nd : Exhibition for Camelicious 낙타유 제품 홍보 / 제약,바이오,건강기능 산업 전시회 참가, 코엑스,서울
2023. May 25 ~ 26th : Korea Africa Business Summit in Seoul, Korea
2023. May 20th : Visiting the Aquaculture project site ( Cambodia Agriculture Cooperatives )
2023. May 18 ~ 19 : Participating in Korea - Cambodia Business Forum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
2023. May 3rd : Technology transfer JV "
SUNVILA Smart Village Nigeria Limited
" / NIGERIA has been registered in Nigeria.
2023. March 17 : JV MOU signing ceremony between T&C Korea Co.,Ltd. / KOREA and FIA Asset Protectors Limited / NIGERIA
2023. Feb. 27 : JV MOU signing ceremony between T&C Korea Co.,Ltd. / KOREA and ELRUMALYA / SUDAN
2022. Dec. 03. : Visiting fish souce factory in Kampot Province, CAMBODIA
2022. Nov. 27 : Site survey of fish farm test bed in CAMBODIA
2022. Oct. 28. : Tanzania - Korea Investment & Business Forum, Seoul, KOREA
2022. Oct. 20. : Indonesia - Korea Business Forum & B2B Meeting, Jakarta, INDONESIA
2022. Sept. 18. : Visting Pam oil factory " MRT-TCC JV, 2nd Mill Anlong Krapeu" in Sihanoul Province, CAMBODIA
2022. Sept. 14. : Participating in The 10th Mekong - Korea Business Forum, Vientiane, LAOS
2022. Jul. 22. : Participating UN CTCN (Climate Technology Centre & Network) Networking event, Songdo, Incheon, KOREA
2022. May 02~06. : Visiting Banaba farm, Mango farm, Longan farm in CAMBODIA